
the ghost of mr. johnson

i found the building, but forgot my camera, so i'll have to go back. there's only one problem. the building is across from a homeless shelter. why a problem? because in addition to finding the building, i found about 50 winos perched around its entrance. and 50 is not an exaggeration.

if you think i should go up to the building and look around regardless, let me know. also let me know when you'll be coming up to dallas to act as my bodyguard. let's see, i approach the building and some of the winos ask me what the hell i'm doing there, the rest ask me for money. i tell them, looking very whitey mcwhitery, that 'gee fellas i'm hear to see the buiding where that gosh darned son of a gun robert johnson recorded some of his tee-rific songs.'

yeah, i believe i'll take a pass.


writing a piece for a national magazine

I'm just about to finish up my first draft. My due date is August 8th, but I want to be done sooner. What's the theme of this piece? Yellow Cake Uranium? No. The cultural nuances existing in Afghanistan? No. A trip through the Shenandoah Valley? No. My favorite shirts? Yes.

Hey, it's a gig.



For better or worse, I have observed and experienced quite a few of the extremes of human behavior during the past few weeks, specifically in terms of how individuals relate to themselves and those around them. Truth be told (I'm sorry for being so vague about the details, but frankly, I don't want to be dragged back into the situation), I feel like I've survived a hurricane. These experiences of late have confirmed a theory that I've held for quite some time: Many people take on some degree of insanity coinciding with their producing and rearing children.

I believe the primary cause of this insanity to be the fact that such persons have not worked out who they are as people...their faults, their obsessions, their preferences. Moreover, even if they have worked some of these things out, they feel themselves to be inadequate for parenthood. As a result, both sets of persons substitute an ideal for who and what they think they should be. Such ideals can range from something as serious as an embracement of fundamentalism as a substitute for developing a true and deep moral philosophy, to something as silly as constantly barking at one's children in German in the hopes that they'll be bilingual and culturally aware.

The problem, of course, is that both behaviors, again, are based upon an ideal and not a reality. Ideals can only last for so long. Fundamentalism is a porous ideology in need of constant reinforcement, and full of inner-turmoil. Barking at one's children in a foreign language is going to eventually result in them telling the parent to "fuchen ze oft'. I suppose that the later sentiment is the heart of the matter: Creating an ideal persona rather than being a genuine and honest human, it seems to me, is bound to spark resentment in the progeny and frustration in the parent.

That's all the preaching I care to do today.



BB King

I saw another one of my heroes this past Friday. BB King is fast approaching 80, but he sounded good. I heard him sing 'How Blue Can You Get'. Awesome. The only downside? I had to go to Billy Bob's. I've only been to one other concert there...The Flatlanders...and Billy Bob's suck diddly ucks. For one thing, the acoustics suck, it's just one big open warehouse. Secondly, if you pay for general admission (as opposed to reserved) all you are paying for is addmitance to the bar. You may not get to see your concert, at all. But, oh well. I saw BB King.


Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close 

get this book
get this book

I just finished one of the best books that I've ever read.  Brilliant. If I speak more of it, I will gush, and no one likes that. If you'd ever wondered how 9-11 would be handled and dealt with within the realm of literature, here is your first sampling...and what a sample it is. So, what are you waiting for? Get off your ass, drive to your bookstore, and purchase Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, by Jonathan Safran Foer.