the ghost of mr. johnson
i found the building, but forgot my camera, so i'll have to go back.
there's only one problem. the building is across from a homeless
shelter. why a problem? because in addition to finding the building, i
found about 50 winos perched around its entrance. and 50 is not an
if you think i should go up to the building and look around regardless,
let me know. also let me know when you'll be coming up to dallas to act
as my bodyguard. let's see, i approach the building and some of the
winos ask me what the hell i'm doing there, the rest ask me for money.
i tell them, looking very whitey mcwhitery, that 'gee fellas i'm hear
to see the buiding where that gosh darned son of a gun robert johnson
recorded some of his tee-rific songs.'
yeah, i believe i'll take a pass.
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