i'm back...
Saturday, January 28, 2006 at 08:37AM
though i haven't posted in a while, this blog does stay on my mind. i've been thinking about what direction to take it, whether i make it more or less political, post more of my writing endeavors, etc. But, in the meantime, i acknowledge that i still need to post, to keep it fresh. the lull is over.
i'm going to NYC next weekend! actually, i'll only get one day in the city, the rest will be spent in hackensack (don't ask). but, it is one day in the city. i'll be accompanied by a friend who's never been lower than midtown, so we're going to explore so-ho, the village, liberty park, etc. then, hopefully back up to chelsea in the evening for some improv.
i've been away from the city for way too long.
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