oh, the places i've been, the people i've seen, the characters i've met
Thursday, November 17, 2005 at 11:52AM
this isn't intended to be a brag page. rather, a brief chronicle of some of the things I've seen and witnessed over the course of my life. Many of you will think, "so what", but each of the items in this list serves as a moment of personal importance, whether for good or for bad. though, i think it's worth noting that, in jotting this list down, the good far outweighs the bad.
- statue of liberty
- chrysler building
- flatiron building
- empire state
- ellis island
- yankee stadium
- the frank lloyd wright room in the MET
- david cross
- the whitehouse
- capital building
- ford theatre
- arlington cemetary
- smithsonian air and space museum
- smithosonian museum of science and history
- trafalgar square
- buckingham palace
- john keats' house
- elgin marbles
- a real mummy
- st. paul's
- chaucer's grave
- westminster abbey
- the thames
- arthur's seat
- edinburugh symphony hall
- oxford
- stratford upon avon
- shakespeare's birth home
- avon
- arc d'triumph
- eiffel tower
- jim morrison's grave
- bar american
- champs d'howeveryouspellit
- louve
- charlamagne's sword
- notre dame
- carnival in metz
- marly
- nancy
- lyon
- german gate
- taj mahal
- agra
- delhi
- delhi airport
- chennai
- the results of the '04 Tsunami
- Bay of Bengal
- wild monkeys
- a work elephant
- camel taxi
- noida
- gurgaon
- pondicherry
- doc watson
- doc watson singing "columbus stockade blues"
- willie nelson
- james mcmurtry
- Yevgeny Yevtushenko
- walter mcdonald
- elton john
- garrison keillor
- in-n-out burger
- la airport
- highway 1
- pacific grove
- cannery row
- alcatraz
- san francisco bay
- underground seattle
- hugh masakella
- pikes place fish market
- frankfurt trainstation
- frankfurt au main
- the alamo
- galveston bay
- corpus christi bay
- charleston
- clearwater sand keys
- miami beach
- a chihuahua dressed as an aztec warrior
- wild aligators
- everglades
- fort phantom
- fort davis
- gettysburg
- lincoln's birthplace
- pike's peak
- lee major's house
- royal gorge bridge
- padre island
- enchanted rock
- devil's bathtub
- arbuckle mountains
- smokey mountains
- fort sumpter
- fort knox
- chicago train station
- peter mcmanus cafe
- brown derby
- a kid get shot
- a dead body laying in the middle of a highway
- a rat screwed to a vent cover in Stanley's supermarket
- quail dobbs
- a married couple whose first house was a dugout
- water buffaloes
- american bison
- dehli street cows
- a laser light up the side of a satellite
- getting trapped in a herd of javelinas
- walter cronkite
- phyllis mellman
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