
Hi everyone

It's been awhile since I've been able to write. Not only because of the emotional hit of the past month, but I've spent a lot of time literally dealing with the ramifications (dealing with the financial hit to my sister in law and nieces, the emotional hit to my newly found family, etc). I'm going to write a fair bit about Greg. I've met a few class acts in my lifetime...truly noble, nice, humble, wise people. My brother was one. I'm not saying that as an emotional reaction to his passing, for I thought that from almost the moment I met him.

Greg's full name was Noble Gregory Adams (our Grandfather, whom I strongly resemble was named Noble).

 And Greg truly was noble.

this life...this beautiful and so terrible.



My newly found brother passed away unexpectedly about 3 weeks ago. My feelings of loss are nothing compared to those of my Mother, my brother's wife, and his two daughters.

I was in Oklahoma within 3 hours of Greg's passing...i just wasn't able to write down those words until now.



heading to oklahoma for the weekend

going to spend a couple of nights in oklahoma and see my newly found family. life is good.


the downside of who i am

yesterday i contemplated the two questions listed below for quite some time, writing out a list in textpad. i still need to dive deeper - my question remains unresolved. but as i dreamt last night, i was confronted with a side of my personality that is not always positive.

in my dream, a few of my old college friends, johnny, randy, and jeff had decided to take a course at another campus. we were in the classroom, but class had not begun. for some reason, the details are a bit foggy now, i began berrating johnny. i was, in fact, in full press judgment of him...condescending, mean-spirited, egotistic. i finally said something so offensive, so damning to myself, that i immediately felt my friends' and johnny's loyalty cease for me. i was shamed...embarrassed...shown to be unworthy of respect.

johnny left the room and my friends refused to acknowledge my presence. i knew that it was my fault and that, this time, no amount of apologies could make up for my foul treatment of someone i called a friend. eventually, johnny walked back the room with someone from his hometown...a towering person, 7 feet tall, etc. he threatened me and i acted cowardly, backing down and apologizing...showing more the baselessness of my accusations. i tried to talk around the person, to explain to johnny that i had overreacted, but the damage was too great.

not since childhood, but certainly since adolescence, i have had a tendency to judge people, i feel, much too expect more of them than i would ever expect of myself. as i consider this period of my life, where i am reflecting upon who i am, what i want, and how i want to direct my life going forward, i know this is something i have to correct.

i cannot remember if i have stated it already, but i tend to face each new day with a certain amount of anxiety and apprehension. though i cannot be sure, i think it is more than the average person experiences. one reason for this could be that my judgment is tide toward a tendecny to abstract people; to, in a sense, make them archetypes and, as a result, less then fully human.

i think this happens a lot in relationships that have codified work, church, your kids' ball practices. i think it is a human tendency to size someone up, put them in a category and keep them there. for me, that category is often one that is of a lesser quality than where i place myself. i do not know if this is typical, but it is not right. i will change. 

is it not a shame that i have only come to fully comprehend and work this stuff out in my mid 30s? oh well, at least it is happening. 


Two questions I am posing to myself


  1. Who am I?
  2. What do I want?