it's fall again

every season is my favorite season. fall being no exception.
last night i watched the edge of a cool front, with its solid gray clouds, slowly move over. it's a beautiful sight. i think back to all the falls i have experienced in my past: early snows in colorado -- early *blizzards* in wisconsin -- foliage and apples in ohio -- but i'm a texan at heart, and after 90+ september days, it's a welcome relief when the heat and humidity finally breaks. there won't be a lot of red and yellow leaves, but there is an appreciation of the changing season nonetheless.
it's autumn, it's octoberfest, it's harvest time, it's a harvest moon, bock beer, early sunsets, late sunrises. it's dew turning to frost, cool mornings and comfortable evenings. and the knowledge that spring is far, far out on the hasn't even crested the hill yet.
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